cinnamon whiskey garnished with cinnamon stick and with garnishes and bar tools

Best Cinnamon Whiskey: Our Spicy Picks

Cinnamon whiskey is simply whiskey with cinnamon added. However, this type of flavored whiskey is one of the few that offers complex flavors in each shot. Unlike most flavored whiskeys, where fruity aromas are common, cinnamon whiskey adds a unique complexity to regular whiskey, giving you a spicy and warming taste profile.

Whether you’ve tried cinnamon whiskey before or it will be your first time and are looking for recommendations, our article will help you find the best cinnamon whiskey to your liking. We will list a wide variety of options, including a few you can purchase from our shop.

Our article will also guide you through the characteristics of cinnamon whiskey, how to find the best one to your liking, and where to buy a bottle.

What You Need to Know About Cinnamon Whiskey

Cinnamon whiskey is a variant of whiskey infused with cinnamon. It offers a unique complexity in each sip. Cinnamon whiskey’s flavors are more noticeable due to the lower ABV (alcohol-by-volume) content. While regular whiskeys are around 40 to 50% ABV, cinnamon whiskey is usually between 30 and 40% ABV.

In addition to the lower alcohol content, the natural aroma of cinnamon makes this type of flavored whiskey stand out by naturally blending well with the taste of regular whiskey. Cinnamon takes away the strong, woody aroma that makes it difficult to acquire a taste for regular whiskey and replaces it with a warm, pleasant taste.

Even those who normally oppose flavored whiskeys may make an exception for cinnamon whiskey and put it above others. All these make cinnamon whiskey an enjoyable drink.

Cinnamon Whiskey: An Overview

Cinnamon whiskey is typically made using a neutral whiskey as the base. However, many brands also make their cinnamon whiskeys using bourbon or blended whiskey.

Typically, neutral and blended whiskeys provide a smooth base and make the flavors of cinnamon stand out. Cinnamon whiskeys that use bourbon and Tennessee whiskey as their base have a rather sweet aroma that puts forward the spiciness of cinnamon.

Regardless of the base, cinnamon whiskeys have a sweet, spicy, yet pleasant aroma. Most enjoy drinking this flavored whiskey in shots, but it is just as enjoyable as a sipping drink.

Cinnamon whiskey also makes a great base for cocktails. The spicy aromas can inspire you to try new drinks and complement classic cocktails. It is a versatile liquor that fits various social settings and can be enjoyed in many ways.

How to Choose the Best Cinnamon Whiskey

Cinnamon whiskey is more than just regular whiskey with cinnamon added when it comes to finding the right one for your taste. As with any other liquor, there are minor yet crucial details that will make the most of your experience. The flavoring agents, whether natural or artificial, can significantly impact the taste and your overall drinking experience.

There’s also the whiskey itself. The grain, distillation, and aging can alter the taste. Since cinnamon can also overpower the taste of whiskey with its sweetness and spiciness, the amount of flavoring in relation to the specific whiskey used also matters.

For example, some brands prioritize cinnamon’s aroma over the taste of whiskey. If you’re a regular whiskey enjoyer and go with one of these cinnamon whiskeys, the taste can feel overpowering. Those who don’t drink much whiskey and don’t fancy the taste of it, on the other hand, may enjoy these the most.

Overall, it is important to consider the ingredients that go into the cinnamon whiskey, the type of whiskey used as the base, and flavoring agents such as sugar – plus your personal preferences – to ensure you’ll get a bottle that’s enjoyable to drink, not something you regret and look forward to finishing.

What Does Cinnamon Whiskey Cost

Cinnamon whiskey, like other flavored whiskeys, is affordable. You can get a good-quality bottle anywhere between $20 and $80. On average, cinnamon whiskey costs less than regular whiskey.

However, you’ll also find many bottles going for over $100. These are usually premium options that appeal more to enthusiasts of flavored whiskey than regular drinkers. Unless you have a great deal of experience testing different cinnamon whiskeys (or other flavored whiskeys), you won’t find them worthy of your money.

Where Can You Buy Cinnamon Whiskey?

Since it is flavored, cinnamon whiskey isn’t as widely available as regular whiskey. Cinnamon isn’t as popular as apple, maple, or honey, but it is still one of the most common types of flavored whiskey. You can find it anywhere that sells flavored whiskey.

With that said, you can buy cinnamon whiskey in most liquor stores and supermarkets. You can also shop for flavored whiskey from online retailers like Speakeasy.

The Best Cinnamon Whiskeys

whiskey served with cinnamon roll

Below, you’ll discover our picks for the best cinnamon whiskey. We’ll include various brands so you can find multiple options that match your preferences.

Below, you’ll discover our picks for the best cinnamon whiskey. We’ll include various brands so you can find multiple options that match your preferences.

ScandaLust Cinnamon Whiskey

MSRP: $33.99

Proof: 80 proof / 40% ABV

Tasting Notes: Smooth, spicy, cinnamon roll, toasted oak

Our Rating: 5 stars

ScandaLust Cinnamon Whiskey appeals to those who want something flavorful yet simple. This cinnamon whiskey has zero sugar or additives – all made with whiskey and cinnamon. It is a great choice if you enjoy drinking regular whiskey but want something to spice things up a bit.

ScandaLust Cinnamon Whiskey is quite spicy to the nose but has a very smooth and natural taste, coming from organic cinnamon rolls. It has a rather toasted oak aftertaste like regular whiskey but doesn’t feel too harsh. All these make this cinnamon whiskey enjoyable to drink, whether alone, with friends, or at a party.

As it is all made with organic ingredients, ScandaLust Cinnamon Whiskey doesn’t have a clear appearance. It may appear cloudy due to the presence of natural ingredients and the distillery waiving chill filtering. Nonetheless, it appears bright and is enjoyable to drink.


  • Great aftertaste
  • Excellent value
  • Only uses organic ingredients


  • It may appear cloudy
  • Some may prefer sweeter options

Cooperstown Spitball Cinnamon Whiskey

Spitball Cinnamon Whiskey
Image Source: 

MSRP: $24.99

Proof: 70 proof / 35% ABV

Tasting Notes: Cinnamon spice, vanilla spicy, warm finish

Our Rating: 4.5 stars

Cooperstown Spitball Cinnamon Whiskey suits those who find most cinnamon whiskeys too sweet for their liking. It isn’t as refined as Scandalous Cinnamon Whiskey, as it doesn’t have any sugar or additives, but clear enough to feel like you’re drinking whiskey.

This cinnamon whiskey stands out with 50% less sugar than others, making each sip more spicy than sweet (and fewer calories). Cooperstown Spitball Cinnamon Whiskey is sweet to the nose and has the characteristics you would expect from this type of whiskey. You can drink it neat, on the rocks, or as a mixer for appropriate cocktails like Whiskey Sours and Manhattans.

While it is versatile and pleasant to drink, Cooperstown Spitball Cinnamon Whiskey isn’t as widely available as others on our list. Nonetheless, you may come across a few bottles in your local liquor store, especially if you’re on the East Coast. Overall, this is one of the best cinnamon whiskeys, and that might become your favorite if you enjoy flavored whiskey that feels like regular whiskey.


  • Smooth and pleasant aroma
  • Versatile
  • Fair pricing


  • Not widely available
  • It is not the best for those liking their whiskey sweet

Five Alarm Cinnamon Fire Bourbon

MSRP: $60.99

Proof: 80 proof / 40% ABV

Tasting Notes: Hot cinnamon, spicy, vanilla, fruity, light oak

Our Rating: 4.5 stars

Five Alarm Cinnamon Fire Bourbon is slightly different from others as it uses bourbon as its base. The underlying bourbon notes complement the cinnamon’s flavor, making it an enjoyable drink for those who like the strike of sweetness and spiciness.

Even after the first sip, you’ll recognize the bourbon notes and how everything pairs well with the natural taste of cinnamon. It is a well-balanced cinnamon whiskey that feels like something between flavored and regular whiskey. However, this is intentional, as the distillers at 1350 Distilling want everyone to get a hint of both sides.

Five Alarm Cinnamon Fire Bourbon is one of the best cinnamon whiskeys for many because of everything it offers. Having won the Bronze Medal at the Bartender Spirit Awards in 2022, it is a well-recognized cinnamon whiskey. You may not be able to find it in most liquor stores, but many online retailers, including us, sell this cinnamon whiskey.


  • Award-winning flavored whiskey
  • Well-balanced sweetness and spiciness
  • Pleasant bourbon notes


  • Not the cheapest
  • Bourbon and cinnamon isn’t for everyone

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire

jack daniels tennessee first whiskey
Image Source:

MSRP: $34.99

Proof: 70 proof / 35% ABV

Tasting Notes: Sweet, spicy, vanilla, cinnamon fire

Our Rating: 4 stars

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire ranks among the most popular cinnamon whiskeys available. It’s a little more expensive than others, but it is definitely worth the price. For many, Jack Daniel’s branding is enough to make this a favorite, but the overall balance and taste are what make this cinnamon whiskey find a place in our article.

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire is quite hard on the nose, but it is nowhere near as spicy once you take a sip. It might be one of the most drinkable cinnamon whiskeys out there. It also has a pleasant aftertaste that doesn’t overpower the palate. All these make Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire a good candidate for the best cinnamon whiskey.

While this cinnamon whiskey has many great things, some may find it too sweet despite being a bit burnt-flavored on the nose. It doesn’t have an intense cinnamon flavor and lacks the heat sensation some may want to have in their cinnamon whiskey. Also, it is pricier than many others.


  • Smooth taste
  • Widely available


  • More on the pricier side
  • Some may find it too sweet

Fireball Cinnamon Whisky

Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey bottle
Image Source:

MSRP: $19.99

Proof: 66 proof / 33% ABV

Tasting Notes: Cinnamon gum, spicy, sweet, smooth

Our Rating: 4 stars

Fireball is yet another very popular cinnamon whiskey. The brand is so popular that it almost became synonymous with the product it sells, inspiring a party favorite: cinnamon roll Fireball shots.

The branding isn’t the only reason for Fireball’s popularity. It offers a pleasant aroma with sweet notes on the nose and a strong yet balanced sweet and spicy cinnamon flavor. Still, it is more spicy than sweet, especially the aftertaste. This makes Fireball enjoyable to drink in various ways, including in shots or as a mixer for cocktails.

However, the popularity of Fireball doesn’t mean that it appeals to everyone. Some may find it overpowering to their palate as it is both sweet and spicy at the same time. Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is more for people who like cinnamon’s spiciness – not just in their drinks but in general.


  • Very popular
  • Affordable
  • Well-balanced


  • Some may find the taste overpowering
  • Not a strong whiskey overall

Finding the Best Bottle of Cinnamon Whiskey

 old fashioned cocktail on charcuterie board

We’ve listed various cinnamon whiskeys that range from more regular whiskey-like options to ones that highlight the natural flavors of cinnamon. If you’re just getting started with cinnamon whiskeys, ScandaLust Cinnamon Whiskey and Fireball Cinnamon Whisky are safe choices. They aren’t too far off from regular whiskey and can be a good starting point for newcomers.

Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Fire and Five Alarm Cinnamon Fire Bourbon may be more suitable for experienced flavored whiskey drinkers. These are well-balanced cinnamon whiskeys that offer complex flavors in each sip.

However, you can never know whether you’ll enjoy a liquor until you try it. We recommend trying at least two cinnamon whiskeys featured in our article and see how you like them. It’s the surest way to find the best cinnamon whiskey to your liking.

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